Art Design


choreography (dance, fight, or stunt)


score or soundtrack

Note: In order to be eligible for this category, I had to be able to find the entire screenplay online and read it.


“I'll do you one better. Why is Gamora?”
~ Drax | Watch clip“Please, Lord. Help me get one more.”
~ Desmond Doss | Watch clip“‘Greater good?’ I am your wife! I’m the greatest good you are ever gonna get!”
~ Honey | Watch clip“I play the orchestra, and you're a good musician. You sit right there and you're the best in your row.”
~ Steve Jobs | Watch clip“There are no two words in the English language more harmful than ‘good job.’”
~ Terence Fletcher | Watch clip
Scene to See on YouTube

The 40-Year-Old Virgin
Andy Stitzer gets his chest waxed
Avengers: Infinity War
Avengers vs. Guardians of the Galaxy
Ralph Breaks the Internet
Vanellope and the Disney Princesses
The Revenant
Opening battle scene
To Kill a Mockingbird
Atticus’ closing statement