
Ghosts of Myself premiered at St. Norbert College’s Webb Theatre in April 2018. This play was produced as a collaborative senior capstone project during the final semester of my undergraduate degree.

Notes tells the story of Zel Park, a Korean-American woman who is fearful of returning home for the first Thanksgiving after her father’s death. The journey back summons new and old doubts, which manifest themselves in her “Oblivion” as book characters, her brother Atticus, and even her ex-girlfriend Skylar — spirits of imagined conversations and actual memories grappling with the impossibility of telling someone the truth without knowing their answer.

Excerpt: Manbunny

Original Cast & crew

Thank you to everyone who worked bring this project to life, especially my fabulous theatre professors: Stephen Rupsch, April Beiswenger, and Erin Hunsader.


Izabel “Zel” Park: Jordan Schuman
Nick “Nickel” Kinford / Manbunny: Benjamin Wylie
Skylar: Molly Farrell
Nancy: Taylor Nicole Donoval
Atticus “Attic” Park: Evan Osgood
Golfer / Flight Attendant / Waitress: Maddie Wenc

Notes: Jack Zampino
Rea: Kylie Marsden
Ason: John Dicks

Production Team

Playwright: Ben Kim Paplham
Director: Lindsey Ann Bosetski
Lighting, Sound, & Props Designer: Sarah Conard
Production Manager: Katherine de Guia
Scenographer & Costume Designer: Alyssa Schinner

Stage Manager: Kathryn Verheyden
Assistant Stage Manager: Walker Lake
Master Carpenter & Graphic Designer: Taylor Biese

Production Assistants

Julia Camarillo
Samantha Dyson
Janelle Knick
Maggie Nipps
Nevena Prebiracevic
Mallory Shefchik
James Viall III
Austin Walls


rehearsal photos, february-April 2018



As part of the original production, I also served as the dramaturg. I designed these posters to explain important cultural influences on the story as well as some insight into my process for writing this play. For the length of the production, these posters, each one 45x30”, fit inside glass displays lining the hallway outside the Webb Theatre.