The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou

The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou

The Andersonian style isn’t as polished as his other works, but where it triumphs is, for all the vague atmosphere, it still creates a beautiful character arc with Steve Zissou…

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The Lobster

The Lobster

The best way to watch The Lobster is to understand that it’s an experimental allegory. The bizarre, hyper-direct delivery of the actor’s lines and the short bursts of classical music playing to slow-motion cinematography build a world that highlights the absurdity of life…

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Finding Dory

Finding Dory

Unlike some of Pixar’s previous attempts, Finding Dory (2016) manages to stay true to its original predecessor. While I’m not rushing to place it among Pixar’s elite, it is a strong movie with a powerful message…

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