Watership Down

Watership Down

Watership Down (1978) is a 90-minute adaptation of Richard Adams’ best-selling novel, an Odyssey-like tale about a group of rabbits who flee the evils of humanity before land developers obliterate their warren…

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The Jungle Book (2016)

The Jungle Book (2016)

One thing that both helps and hurts The Jungle Book is how reliant it is on the assumption that everyone has seen the animated predecessor. The best part of the film, though, and what makes it worth the viewing, is the outstanding visual effects…

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Finding Dory

Finding Dory

Unlike some of Pixar’s previous attempts, Finding Dory (2016) manages to stay true to its original predecessor. While I’m not rushing to place it among Pixar’s elite, it is a strong movie with a powerful message…

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Arthur Christmas

Arthur Christmas

Twas the night before Christmas: everything proceeds as usual. Teams of special-ops elves deliver gifts with S.H.I.E.L.D-like equipment under the micromanagement of Steve while the figurehead and patriarch Santa Claus dutifully follows the action…

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