

Nolan certainly pays homage to space travel productions before him like 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968), but the film explores both the beauty and peril of outer space with an artistry that I have not witnessed before…

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La La Land

La La Land

La La Land has dazzling showmanship, with a spirited choreography and beautiful instrumental score, that lulls the audience into missing the sleight of hand. It’s a trick, because the surrealistic and artistic visualization makes me invested in their relationship without actually knowing anything about them.

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The Lobster

The Lobster

The best way to watch The Lobster is to understand that it’s an experimental allegory. The bizarre, hyper-direct delivery of the actor’s lines and the short bursts of classical music playing to slow-motion cinematography build a world that highlights the absurdity of life…

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Shakespeare in Love

Shakespeare in Love

On one hand, the movie is a sly wink to fans of Shakespeare everywhere, moving in and out of parody/homage to the legendary playwright…On the other hand, much of the dialogue is groan-worthy and some of the cheesiest lines I’ve heard…

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