Song of the Sea


Come away oh human child, to the waters and the wild, with a fairy, hand in hand, for the world's more full of weeping than you can understand.

~ Bronagh


quick fox: A- | Copper

winding dragon

From the creators of The Secret of Kells (2009), animation company Cartoon Saloon and director Tomm Moore present Song of the Sea (2014), a visual spectacle rooted in Irish mythology. The movie centers on the son of a lighthouse keeper, Ben (David Rawle), who struggles to accept his younger sister, Saoirse (Lucy O’Connell), as her birth coincides with the death of their mother. When Saoirse is six, it is revealed that she and her mother are actually Selkies, which lead the two siblings on an adventure to save the fairy and spirit world.

For those of you that watched The Secret of Kells, I can unequivocally say that Song of the Sea is a vast improvement. While both were nominated for the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature in their respective years—The Secret of Kells losing to Up and Song of the Sea to Big Hero 6The Secret of Kells has a chaotic plot structure, uninteresting characters, and far too much mythology left unexplained. Song of the Sea is tightly plotted, focusing primarily on the tense relationship between Ben and Saoirse. The mythology in the movie is not essential background knowledge, and the film does an excellent job of filling in the gaps of audience’s experiences. For those who don’t know, a selkie is a creature that lives as a seal in water, but can shed its skin and live as a human on land.  

I would hesitate to call this a children’s film based on the complexity of the film’s plot, themes, and overall serious tone. The scenes involving the Deenashee (fairy folk) add much of the film’s lighter side, though it’s debatable whether or not their silliness add or detract from the picture. But I definitely felt the heaviness of life in characters’ motivations and relationships that children and possibly even some young teens may not necessarily understand. However, any person at any age will undoubtedly be awed and marvel at the movie’s gorgeous animation, which is a triumph and a masterpiece for 2D animation at a time when companies are increasingly pushing 3D animation. As for how long that novelty can sustain the movie is dependent on the viewer’s eye to detail and appreciation for subtle changes in design choices. Here’s a hint: if you watch this film, pay careful attention to characters’ shadows and outlines.

Song of the Sea is one of the more emotional animated films you will see—depression, survivor’s guilt, and loss play prominent roles. Most of the time you share in Saoirse’s exasperation at Ben’s bratty attitude, but the other times—the most critical for the film’s development—you share in Ben’s vulnerability and emotional turmoil at the death of his mother. Saoirse is a sweet and intuitive child, who adds to the mysticism of the film. The father (voiced by Brendan Gleeson: Mad-Eye Moody in Harry Potter) is frustrating and sympathetic at once. The soundtrack is also striking, with traditional Irish melodies sprinkled in throughout the film.

I highly recommend Song of the Sea to any person who loves art and literature, as this film is certain to inspire you and invoke your inner selkie spirit.