Up in the Air

Up in the Air

Up in the Air capitalizes on George Clooney’s reputation, using his charm as a mask, a distraction from the despicable nature of his character. In the film, Clooney plays Ryan Bingham, a corporate downsizing expert whose job is to fly around the country firing people…

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Sixteen Candles

Sixteen Candles

I get the impression from watching ’80s films that the decade is not from a different time period but a completely different dimension. Take Sixteen Candles: boys nonchalantly talking about date rape, photographing passed out women, locking geeks in trunks, blatant racism against Asians, and underage drinking and driving…

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No Country for Old Men

No Country for Old Men

The best way to describe No Country for Old Men is that it’s an allegory for evil and human reactions to it. Chigurh represents a form of evil that is nonnegotiable and permanent, but puts forward a pretense of chaos and chance…

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Quiz Show

Quiz Show

Quiz Show relishes in every opportunity to make the audience feel uncomfortable about living complacent lives, and despairs in the politicization of public media. All the characters are consumed with appeasing to a society that glorifies celebrities and groups people into “winners” and “losers”…

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